A Vision To Empower Youth
Youth Career Compass Mission: To support and provide resources for young people to explore their college and career interests by discovering their unique strengths and talents and using them as a guide to create a plan for a fulfilling career and life.
Success, is getting what you want. Happiness, is wanting what you get. – Dale Carnegie
I have found that as parents, educators, and mentors we are all fairly adept at encouraging our youth to focus on success, yet we don’t always give them the tools and the guidance they need to discover what it is that will make them happy.
My mission is to take the guesswork out of college paths and eventual careers that “could” make people happy, and support young people in gaining more confidence and clarity so they can experience a more intentional, gratifying college and career journey.
When students are able to reach a greater level of self-awareness, they gain confidence in their skills, interests, and strengths, which leads them to discover paths both in college and in their careers that are more fulfilling and more meaningful to them.
I created Youth Career Compass because I wanted to help young people realize how their unique gifts, talents and interests can translate into fulfilling college paths and career opportunities.
When students feel lost or unsure about their college focus or career options I’ve seen that they can start to doubt themselves and lose motivation. Students that are able to gain more focus and clarity about their direction are able to take a more confident and proactive approach to their college journey.
Like so many students today, I was unsure about my college major and, didn’t really know about many of the options out there. It wasn’t until college, when I stumbled upon a poster for the Human Resources club, and subsequently attended a club meeting that I realized I had “found my people.” I was really fortunate to find that poster, and to find a college major that was a perfect fit for me, but not everyone is so lucky.
“My goal is for students to gain more clarity around a vision for college and career, find areas that cultivate their curiosity so they’re eager to explore and learn, and build up their confidence with the knowledge of their core strengths and interests to guide them.”
“I’m passionate about helping young people begin to realize their potential because being happy and fulfilled in your career isn’t something that should be left to chance.”
So many students I talk with are fearful about their futures, how will they pick the ‘right’ college major or career? I don’t think students should have to just hope that they’ll get lucky and that college will help them figure out their path – they should be able to work though a process that leads to a deeper understanding of themselves and of career options that fit them.
When I work with students, we work through a step-by-step process that allows them to create a vision for their college and career direction and then we create a plan of exploration to begin moving towards their vision. At the start of our work together, students work through a series of online and in-person questions so that we can identify their unique key themes that align to best-fit majors and careers.
Just like my students, I still strive to become better at what I do and love. As such, in addition to my Human Resources degree, I’ve obtained my Career Development Facilitator Certification and I’m currently working towards certification for the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator. I want to continue to grow and learn myself to provide even more value to my students and help them learn to be more self-aware and successful.
If you’d like to learn more about my programs and workshops and what people have to say about them, start by clicking the button below!

My recent workshops and presentations:
- Lake Washington High School—College Day Presentation: Networking and Professionalism=
- Eastlake High School—Guest speaker in various classes—Networking and Professionalism
- Eastlake High School Soccer Retreat—Facilitated Team Building Activity
- Eastlake High School After-School CareerAcademy – 2, 4 hour workshops
- Eastlake High School Resume Workshop—Facilitated resume session for juniors and seniors
- Eastlake High School – Facilitated 3 sessions of career curriculum in Life & Finances Class
- Woodinville High School—Keynote Presenter at College Night event
- Inglemoor High School English Class—Presented CareerAcademy curriculum for 4 periods of English Class
- Mercer Island/Crest High School – Presented CareerAcademy curriculum weekly for 5 months of school year
- Mt. Si. HS – Presented CareerAcademy in 12 sessions as part of Academic Coaching class
- College Success Foundation—Presenter at April 2014 Career Institute
- Issaquah Highlands Youth Board—Youth Retreat: Facilitated Finding Your Strengths as a Leader and Team
- Starbucks Corporate — Consultant working with YouthForce on informational interviews, job shadows, and career coaching. Prepping students and employees at Starbucks to have discussions.
- DECA State Judge—March 2014, Bellevue, WA
- TIPS (Teens in Public Service) Summer Orientation – 10 Steps to a Successful Internship
- Seattle Youth Leadership Program (SYLP) Presenter – Team Building & Professionalism
- DECA Fall Leadership Conference Presenter – Be the CEO of Your Own Career
- Issaquah School District & Issaquah Chamber of Commerce: Great Careers Event Keynote Speaker – Finding YOUR Great Career
Get In Touch Today!
Schedule a 30 minute discovery call to chat about your needs and how I can help.