3 Essential College Essay Tips: UC Berkeley Student
When others come to me for advice on college essays, I share these 3 tips for what I think students should know before writing. COLLEGE ESSAY TIPS #1: Understand that sometimes saying less is more. I’ve read many college essays where students tried to fit every single...
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Career Development in High School: Why You Need To Create A LinkedIn Profile
This post was written by Rutha Nuguse, University of Washington Freshman. I was introduced to LinkedIn during my senior year of high school. As one of twenty high school students selected for Microsoft’s high school apprentice program, we had the opportunity to...
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My First “AHA!” Moment as a Freshman
Everything happens for a reason. I knew this going into college, but it didn't really occur to me how valuable this quote was until I imagined my life a couple years into the future. I was just about to enter the gate at the airport…on my way to deposit my check for...
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You’ll Never Get a Text, Tweet or Snapchat About Career Preparation
Some stuff can be planned in a nanosecond – meeting a friend at the mall, arranging a study night or planning a Friday night party. Career planning? Not so much. Exploring options and avenues for your life is going to take more effort than hitting SEND, a longer...
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