Does this sound familiar?
• You’re not sure which college major would be the best fit for your skills & interests
• You’re in a college major that doesn’t feel like the best match for you, but you’re not sure what else would be a good fit
• You need to start looking for an internship or job for after graduation but you need help figuring out what type of positions or companies would be the best fit for you
• You feel like you don’t have a strong focus for your college studies and you need to select your college major soon and aren’t sure how to which college majors and careers are a match for you
• You chose a college major you like and you feel like it’s a great fit for your interests but you aren’t sure what types of jobs and careers you should be looking for.
When you started college, you probably assumed that you’d find out what you wanted to be and do somewhere along the way. Like many students, you still might be unsure what major fits your interests, or how you can turn those interests into a career you enjoy or you might even be stuck in a major that doesn’t fit you.
I totally get it and I can help
I know what it’s like to feel lost about which direction to go in. Whether it’s your college major or what career you want to pursue – I get it. In college, I didn’t know anything about careers except what my family members did and what I heard about in the media (yes, I’m talking about those top 10 lists of best careers). Believe me when I promise you that college feels SO much better when you have a plan. When you’re confident in your strengths, abilities and interests and are able to match those with a career path, you’ll gain a greater sense of direction and purpose for both your college experience and your life after school. And though plans will change and evolve over time, especially when you’re young, having a foundation to start and build from that is based on your unique superpowers! Let me help you gain more direction and focus so you can make the most of your time in college and feel like all of your hard work today is helping you to create an amazing future. P.S. The bonus is – you’ll have a REALLY good answer the next time you talk to Mom/Dad/Aunt Nosey and they ask you how college is going. I promise!
How We’ll Create Your Unique Plan
My job as a mentor is not only to provide you an objective view of your skills, interests and personality, but to help you develop a plan of action that allows you to get the most from your college experience. Here are some of the ways we’ll able to focus your education and career plans:
• Discover your strengths, personality type and interests
• Research and explore career areas of interest
• Guide you through a step-by-step process to create your career vision statement
• Create and nurture your personal and professional network of connections
• Increase your self-awareness and ability to communicate your strengths to others
• Learn to market your personal “brand” with a resume, LinkedIn, and interview tips
How we can work together
Sign up for one-on-one private coaching sessions. Available over Skype, we’ll work together to discover your superpowers and create your custom college and career plan.
To learn more about how I can help you gain more clarity and direction, schedule a complimentary 30-minute Skype call!
My online boot camp consists of a 4-hour online intensive virtual class, followed by 2 weeks of focused support and a private one-on-one coaching session. You’ll end the bootcamp with new direction and focus for college and career and a complete action plan!
Currently, there aren’t any new online bootcamps scheduled for the fall, but you can contact me to be notified about future workshops and bootcamps.