Big Decision and a Bright Future: Choosing a College

Big Decision and a Bright Future: Choosing a College

Guest Blog by Haley Hauge Having completed my senior year of High School and committed to university, the past four years of hard work have finally paid off. Countless hours spent in the classroom, studying for exams, and completing college applications have resulted...
3 Essential College Essay Tips: UC Berkeley Student

3 Essential College Essay Tips: UC Berkeley Student

When others come to me for advice on college essays, I share these 3 tips for what I think students should know before writing. COLLEGE ESSAY TIPS #1: Understand that sometimes saying less is more. I’ve read many college essays where students tried to fit every single...
My First “AHA!” Moment as a Freshman

My First “AHA!” Moment as a Freshman

Everything happens for a reason. I knew this going into college, but it didn’t really occur to me how valuable this quote was until I imagined my life a couple years into the future. I was just about to enter the gate at the airport…on my way to deposit my check...

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